Zyra causes thick vines to spread and explode into spines, dealing {{ initialdamage }} magic damage.If this Ability is cast near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Thorn Spitter that deals {{ spell.zyrap:plantdamage }} magic damage and lasts {{ spell.zyrap:plantduration }} seconds. Thorn Spitters have 575 range.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zyra plants a Seed that lasts {{ e6 }} seconds. These Seeds grant True Sight of enemy champions that step on them for {{ e3 }} seconds, but are still destroyed.This Ability has 2 charges with a {{ ammorechargetime }} second recharge time. Killing an enemy minion or monster reduces the recharge time by {{ e1 }}%. Champion takedowns reduce the recharge time by {{ e2 }}% instead.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zyra sends vines forward, Rooting for {{ e5 }} second(s) and dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. If this Ability passes near a Seed, the Seed grows into a Vine Lasher that deals {{ spell.zyrap:plantdamage }} magic damage and lasts {{ spell.zyrap:plantduration }} seconds. Vine Lashers have 400 range, and their Attacks Slow by {{ e2 }}% for {{ e3 }} seconds. The Slow from multiple Vine Lashers stacks up to {{ maxslowstacks }} times.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zyra summons the fury of nature, growing a twisted thicket that deals {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. After 2 seconds, the vines snap upwards, Knocking Up for {{ e1 }} second.Zyra's plants within the thicket become enraged, resetting their duration, gaining {{ e2 }}% Health and Attacking for {{ plantdamagebonus }}% bonus damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}