
the Aspect of Twilight

Zoe is a Mage Support champion in League of Legends

Zoe Abilities Patch 14.6.1


More Sparkles!

Zoe's Passive

Zoe's next basic attack after casting a spell deals bonus magic damage.

Paddle Star!

Zoe's Q

Zoe fires a missile that she can redirect in flight. Deals more damage the longer it flies in a straight line.

Zoe fires a star that deals increasing damage the further it travels to the first enemy hit -- between {{ totaldamagetooltip }} to {{ maxdamagetooltip }} magic damage. Enemies surrounding the target take {{ e4 }}% damage.Zoe can Recast this Ability to redirect the missile to a new position near Zoe.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Spell Thief

Zoe's W

Zoe can pick up the remnants of enemy summoner spell and active item casts and cast them once herself. Whenever she casts a summoner spell, she gains 3 missiles that fire at the nearest target.

Passive: Enemies drop spell shards when casting a Summoner Spell or using an Active Item. Specific minions also drop a spell shard when Zoe or a nearby ally kills them. Zoe can pick up this shard to cast that ability once.Passive: When Zoe casts this Ability or any Summoner Spell, she gains {{ e9 }}% Move Speed for {{ e0 }} seconds and tosses 3 missiles at the target she Attacked most recently. These missiles deal {{ missiledamagetooltip }} magic damage each.Active: Cast the Ability from a spell shard Zoe has picked up.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Sleepy Trouble Bubble

Zoe's E

Causes the target to become drowsy, then fall asleep. While asleep, the target's Magic Resist is reduced. The first source of damage that breaks the sleep is doubled, up to a cap.

Zoe dropkicks a bubble that deals {{ totaldamagetooltip }} magic damage, lingering as a trap if it hits nothing. The bubble's range is extended when flying over terrain.After a delay, the victim falls Asleep and have their Magic Resist reduced by {{ percentpen*100 }}% for 2 seconds. Attacks and Ability hits wake them up but deal double damage, up to {{ breakdamagetooltip }} true damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Portal Jump

Zoe's R

Blink to a nearby position for 1 second. Then blink back.

Zoe teleports to a nearby position for 1 second. Afterwards, she teleports back. Zoe can use Abilities and Attack, but can't move during this time.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}