Zeri fires a burst of {{ numberofmissiles }} rounds that deals {{ activedamagethatcancrit }} physical damage to the first enemy hit. This Ability is treated as an Attack. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zeri fires an electric pulse that deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and Slows the first enemy hit by {{ slowpercent*100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds.If the pulse hits terrain, it expands into a laser that applies the effects in an area and Critically Strikes champions and monsters.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zeri dashes a short distance and vaults over any terrain she touches, greatly extending the dash range. For the next {{ buffduration }} seconds, her shots of Burst Fire pierce dealing {{ pendamagepercent*100 }}% damage to enemies after the first and an additional {{ bonusdamagetotal }} magic damage On-Hit to the first target struck. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability reduces this Ability's cooldown by {{ cdreductionperhit }} seconds. Critical strikes reduce the cooldown by {{ critcdreductionperhit }} seconds instead.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, dealing {{ totalactivedamage }} magic damage to nearby enemies. If she hits an enemy champion, Zeri gains {{ baseaspercent*100 }}% Attack Speed and {{ basebonusms*100 }}% Move Speed for {{ rduration }} seconds. Hitting an enemy champion with an Attack or Ability extends this ability's duration and adds a stack of Overcharge for {{ maxhyperchargeduration }} seconds. Critical strikes add 2 additional stacks. Each stack grants {{ mspercent*100 }}% Move Speed.During this time, Burst Fire becomes a faster triple shot that chains {{ chainphysicaldamage }} physical damage to nearby enemies.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}