
the Magical Cat

Yuumi is a Support Mage champion in League of Legends

Yuumi Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Feline Friendship

Yuumi's Passive

Periodically, when Yuumi strikes a champion with an attack or ability, she restores health to herself and the next ally she Attaches to.While Attached, Yuumi generates a special bond with her allies. The ally with the strongest bond enhances Yuumi's abilities while she is Attached to them.

Prowling Projectile

Yuumi's Q

Yuumi fires a missile, dealing damage and slowing first target hit. It deals bonus damage and an enchanced slow if it takes at least 1.35 seconds to get to its target. While on her Best Friend, the slow is always enhanced and grants bonus On-Hit damage to her ally.While Attached, the missile can be controlled with your cursor for a brief period.

Yuumi summons an errant missile that deals {{ totalmissiledamage }} magic damage to the first enemy and Slows the target for {{ slowamount }}%.If cast while Attached, Yuumi can control the missile using her mouse for a short period before it accelerates in a straight line. The accelerated missile deals {{ totalmissiledamageempowered }} magic damage and Slows the target for {{ empoweredslowamount }}% for {{ empoweredslowduration }} seconds, instead.Best Friend Bonus: Prowling Projectile's Slow will always be enhanced and hitting an enemy champion also grants them {{ onhitdamagecalc }} magic damage On-Hit %i:OnHit% for {{ buffduration }} seconds.The bonus On-Hit damage can be increased by {{ allycritchancemaxamp*100 }}% based her ally's Critical Strike Chance.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

You and Me!

Yuumi's W

Yuumi dashes to a target ally, becoming untargetable from everything except turrets. While on her Best Friend, she gains Heal & Shield Power and grants her Ally On-Hit healing.

Passive: While on her Best Friend, Yuumi gains an additional {{ healandshieldpower*100 }}% Heal & Shield Power and her ally also restores {{ healthonhit }} health On-Hit %i:OnHit%.Active: Yuumi dashes to an ally champion and Attaches to them. While Yuumi is Attached, she follows her partner's movement and is Untargetable except from towers.Immobilizing effects on Yuumi place this Ability on a {{ ccattachlockout }} second Cooldown.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Yuumi's E

Shields Yuumi and boosts Move Speed and Attack Speed. If she's attached, she passes it to her ally instead.

Yuumi shields herself, blocking {{ totalshielding }} damage and gains {{ totalattackspeed }}% Attack Speed for {{ msduration }} seconds. While the shield persists, the target also gains {{ msamount }}% Move Speed.If Yuumi is Attached, this Ability affects her ally instead and also restores {{ manarestore }} Mana to them, increased by up to {{ maxmanapercincrease*100 }}% based on the target's missing Mana.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Final Chapter

Yuumi's R

Yuumi channels five waves that damage enemies and heal allies. Yuumi can move, attach, and cast Zoomies! while channeling. While on her Best Friend, this spell also follows her mouse.

Yuumi channels for {{ ultduration }} seconds, launching {{ numberofwaves }} magical waves affecting both teams. If initially cast while Attached, Yuumi can steer the waves to follow her mouse.Enemies struck are dealt {{ totalmissiledamage }} magic damage and Slowed by {{ baseslow*-100 }}% for {{ ccduration }} seconds, increased by {{ bonusslowperwave*-100 }}% per wave hit.Ally champions are healed for {{ totalhealperwave }} health per wave. Excess healing is converted to a Shield instead.Best Friend Bonus: For her Best Friend, the heal is increased to {{ enhancedhealperwave }} health.Casting You and Me! will locks the waves in the curret direction.Yuumi can move and cast Zoomies while channeling.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}