Yasuo thrusts, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for {{ gatheringstormduration }} seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for {{ knockupdurationtooltiponly }} second.If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Yasuo creates a drifting wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Yasuo dashes through a target, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. Each use of this Ability grants {{ bonusdamageperstack }}(%i:scaleLevel%) bonus damage to subsequent uses for {{ stackduration }} seconds, stacking up to {{ maxstacks }} times.This Ability has a {{ e2 }} second per-target Cooldown.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Yasuo teleports to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing {{ damage }} physical damage and holding all nearby Airborne enemies up for an additional {{ rknockupduration }} second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all Steel Tempest stacks.Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore {{ rpercentarmorpen }}% bonus Armor for {{ rbuffduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}