
the Magus Ascendant

Xerath is a Mage champion in League of Legends

Xerath Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Mana Surge

Xerath's Passive

Xerath's basic attacks periodically restore Mana. Whenever Xerath kills a unit, this cooldown is reduced.


Xerath's Q

Fires a long-range beam of energy, dealing magic damage to all targets hit.

Begin Charging: Xerath begins charging an arcane beam, Slowing himself gradually up to 50%. Release: Xerath fires the beam, dealing {{ tooltiptotaldamage }} magic damage. The range increases with time charged.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Eye of Destruction

Xerath's W

Calls down a barrage of arcane energy, slowing and dealing magic damage to all enemies in an area. Targets in the middle receive additional damage and a stronger slow.

Xerath calls down a blast of arcane energy, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and Slowing them by {{ slowamount*100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds. Enemies in the center take {{ sweetspottotaldamage }} magic damage instead and are Slowed by {{ sweetspotslowamount*100 }}%, decaying over {{ slowduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Shocking Orb

Xerath's E

Deals magic damage to an enemy and stuns them.

Xerath fires an orb of raw magic, Stunning the first enemy hit for up to {{ maxstunduration }} seconds based on distance travelled, and dealing {{ tooltiptotaldamage }} magic damage. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Rite of the Arcane

Xerath's R

Xerath immobilizes himself and gains numerous long-range barrages.

Xerath ascends to his true form and channels for {{ e1 }} seconds. During this time he may Recast up to {{ e2 }} times.Recast: Xerath launches a magical artillery, dealing {{ tooltiptotaldamage }} magic damage. For each champion hit, the artillery deals an additional {{ rampdamagecalc }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}