Tap: Warwick lunges forward and bites, dealing {{ basebitedamage }} plus {{ targetpercenthpdamage }}% max Health magic damage and healing for {{ e3 }}% of the damage dealt.Hold: Warwick lunges and clamps his jaws on the target, leaping behind them. While clamped, Warwick follows all movement of the target. After releasing his hold, he does the same damage and healing.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Warwick can sense champions below 50% Health, gaining {{ e1 }}% Move Speed towards them and gaining {{ e2 }}% Attack Speed against them. These bonuses are increased by 250% against enemies below 20% Health.Active: Warwick can briefly sense all enemies, and gains this Ability's passive effect against the closest champion for 8 seconds, regardless of Health. Warwick cannot use this Ability while in combat with champions.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Warwick gains {{ e1 }}% damage reduction for 2.5 seconds. After it ends, Warwick howls, Fearing nearby enemies for {{ e3 }} second. Warwick can Recast to end the Ability early.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Warwick leaps a huge distance that scales with his Move Speed, Suppressing the first champion he collides with while he channels for {{ rduration }} seconds. He attacks that champion 3 times over the duration, dealing {{ damagecumulative }} magic damage. Warwick heals for 100% of all damage dealt during the channel.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}