Viktor blasts an enemy, dealing {{ totalmissiledamage }} magic damage and granting Viktor {{ shieldlevelscaling }} Shield for {{ buffduration }} seconds.Viktor's next Attack within 3.5 seconds deals an additional {{ attacktotaldmg }} magic damage.Upgraded: Grants {{ totalaugmentedshieldvalue }} Shield and Viktor additionally gains {{ augmentmovespeedbonus }}% Move Speed for {{ buffduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for {{ fieldduration }} seconds, Slowing enemies inside by {{ slowpotency*-1 }}%. Enemies inside for 1.5 seconds are Stunned for {{ stunduration }} seconds.Upgraded Passive: Viktor's non-ultimate Abilities Slow by {{ augmentslow }}% for 1 second.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Viktor fires a death ray in a chosen direction, dealing {{ laserdamage }} magic damage to enemies hit.Upgraded: An aftershock follows the death ray, dealing {{ aftershockdamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Viktor conjures a chaos storm in an area for {{ stormduration }} seconds, instantly dealing {{ initialburstdamage }} magic damage then dealing {{ subsequentburstdamage }} magic damage per second to surrounding enemies. The storm automatically follows champions it has recently damaged.Recast: Viktor manually moves the storm.Upgrade: The storm moves {{ augmentboost*100 }}% faster.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}