
the Spirit Walker

Udyr is a Fighter Tank champion in League of Legends

Udyr Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Bridge Between

Udyr's Passive

Udyr has four basic Abilities that swap between Stances and can Recast an Ability to renew it with Ultimate benefits. Additionally, after using an Ability, Udyr's next two Attacks gain Attack Speed.

Wilding Claw

Udyr's Q

Udyr gains attack speed and his next two attacks deal bonus physical damage. Recast: Gain even more attack speed, and the next two attacks call lightning to strike the target.

Claw Stance: Udyr gains {{ attackspeedbase*100 }}% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal {{ onhitdamage }} physical damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit for {{ attackspeeddurationbase }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus {{ maxhponhit1 }} max Health physical damage and gain {{ attackrange }} range.Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to {{ empoweredtotalas }} and max Health damage to {{ q2totalonhithpdamage }}. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of {{ empoweredlightningbonusmax }} max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Iron Mantle

Udyr's W

Udyr gains a shield and his next two attacks heal him. Recast: Gain an even bigger shield and heal based on max health over the next couple seconds.

Mantle Stance: Udyr gains {{ totalshield }} Shield for {{ shieldduration }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain {{ lifesteal*100 }}% Life Steal and restore {{ lifeonhit }} Health.Awaken: Gain {{ recastshield }} Shield, restore {{ recastheal }} Health over {{ shieldduration }} seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have {{ lifesteal*200 }}% Life Steal and restore {{ lifeonhitawakened }} Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Blazing Stampede

Udyr's E

Udyr gains movement speed and his first attack against each target will Stun them. Recast: Gain even more movement speed and immunity to immobilizing effects for a couple seconds.

Stampede Stance: Udyr gains {{ movespeed*100 }}% Move Speed, decaying over {{ movespeedduration }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for {{ stunduration }} seconds ({{ icd }} second Cooldown per target).Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional {{ movespeedbonus }} Move Speed for {{ unstoppableduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Wingborne Storm

Udyr's R

Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm, damaging and slowing nearby enemies. Recast: Empower and unleash the storm, causing it to track enemies and deal additional damage.

Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for {{ buffduration }} seconds, dealing {{ stormdamage }} magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by {{ slowpotency*100 }}%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal {{ pulsedamage }} magic damage to enemies in the storm.Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional {{ percenthpblast }} max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional {{ empoweredslow }}.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}