Claw Stance: Udyr gains {{ attackspeedbase*100 }}% Attack Speed and his Attacks deal {{ onhitdamage }} physical damage %i:OnHit% On-Hit for {{ attackspeeddurationbase }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal a bonus {{ maxhponhit1 }} max Health physical damage and gain {{ attackrange }} range.Awaken: Increase bonus Attack Speed to {{ empoweredtotalas }} and max Health damage to {{ q2totalonhithpdamage }}. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks call lightning six times, dealing a total of {{ empoweredlightningbonusmax }} max Health magic damage to isolated targets (strikes bounce to other nearby targets when possible).{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Mantle Stance: Udyr gains {{ totalshield }} Shield for {{ shieldduration }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks gain {{ lifesteal*100 }}% Life Steal and restore {{ lifeonhit }} Health.Awaken: Gain {{ recastshield }} Shield, restore {{ recastheal }} Health over {{ shieldduration }} seconds, and Udyr's next two Attacks instead have {{ lifesteal*200 }}% Life Steal and restore {{ lifeonhitawakened }} Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Stampede Stance: Udyr gains {{ movespeed*100 }}% Move Speed, decaying over {{ movespeedduration }} seconds. Additionally, Udyr's Attacks dash him to the target and Stun for {{ stunduration }} seconds ({{ icd }} second Cooldown per target).Awaken: Grants immunity to Immobilizing and Disabling effects and an additional {{ movespeedbonus }} Move Speed for {{ unstoppableduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Storm Stance: Udyr surrounds himself in a glacial storm for {{ buffduration }} seconds, dealing {{ stormdamage }} magic damage per second to nearby enemies and Slowing them by {{ slowpotency*100 }}%. Additionally, Udyr's next two Attacks in this stance deal {{ pulsedamage }} magic damage to enemies in the storm.Awaken: Unleash the storm, causing it to follow Udyr's last Attacked enemy, deal an additional {{ percenthpblast }} max Health magic damage over the duration, and Slow by an additional {{ empoweredslow }}.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}