
the Troll King

Trundle is a Fighter Tank champion in League of Legends

Trundle Abilities Patch 14.6.1


King's Tribute

Trundle's Passive

When an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for a percent of its maximum Health.


Trundle's Q

Trundle bites his opponent, dealing damage, briefly slowing and sapping some of their Attack Damage.

Trundle's next Attack deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and briefly Slows by {{ slowamount*100 }}%, then Trundle gains {{ bonusad }} Attack Damage for {{ sapdebuffduration }} seconds and the enemy loses {{ sappedad*-1 }} Attack Damage for the same duration.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Frozen Domain

Trundle's W

Trundle turns target location into his domain, gaining Attack Speed, Move Speed, and increased healing from all sources while on it.

Trundle freezes an area for {{ e4 }} seconds. While inside he gains {{ e1 }}% Move Speed, {{ e2 }}% Attack Speed, and {{ e3 }}% increased healing.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Pillar of Ice

Trundle's E

Trundle creates an ice pillar at target location, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units.

Trundle creates an icy pillar for {{ e1 }} seconds, briefly Knocking Back enemies directly over it and Slowing nearby enemies by {{ e2 }}%.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Trundle's R

Trundle immediately steals a percent of his target's Health, Armor and Magic Resistance. Over the next 4 seconds the amount of Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stolen is doubled.

Trundle drains the lifeforce of an enemy champion, dealing {{ totalpercenthpdamage }} max Health magic damage and stealing {{ armormrshred*100 }}% Armor and Magic Resist over {{ actualdurationofdrainbuff }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}