
the Unshackled

Sylas is a Mage Assassin champion in League of Legends

Sylas Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Petricite Burst

Sylas's Passive

After casting a spell, Sylas stores a charge of Petricite Burst. Sylas's basic attacks will expend a charge and whirl his energized chains around him dealing bonus magic damage to enemies hit. While Sylas has a charge of Petricite Burst, he gains attack speed.

Chain Lash

Sylas's Q

Sylas lashes his chains out, intersecting at his targeted location dealing damage to and slowing enemies. After a delay, magical energy explodes from the intersection point dealing damage.

Sylas lashes his chains out, dealing {{ damage }} magic damage and Slowing by {{ slowamountcalc }} for {{ slowduration }} seconds. The place where the chains intersect explodes, dealing a further {{ explosiondamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Sylas's W

Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing damage and healing himself against enemy champions.

Sylas lunges at an enemy with magical force dealing {{ mindamage }} magic damage. Against champions, Sylas restores between {{ minhealing }} and {{ maxhealing }} Health based on his missing Health (max healing at or below {{ maxexecutethreshold*100 }}% Health).{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Abscond / Abduct

Sylas's E

Sylas dashes to a location. Sylas can recast the ability to throw his chains out, pulling himself to an enemy he hits.

Sylas quickly dashes, and prepares a Recast for 3.5 seconds.Recast: Sylas throws his chains, pulling himself to the first enemy hit, dealing {{ damage }} magic damage, and Knocking Up for {{ knockupduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Sylas's R

Sylas steals the enemy's ultimate ability and can cast it freely.

Sylas hijacks an enemy champion, allowing him to cast a copy of their ultimate Ability, based on his Ultimate level and using his stats.Hijacking an enemy places a Cooldown on them for {{ pertargetcooldown }}% (modified by Sylas' Ability Haste) of the enemy's ultimate's Cooldown, with a minimum of {{ minimumenemycooldown }} seconds, during which time Sylas cannot hijack them again.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}