Begin Charging: Sion charges a heavy blow for up to 2 seconds.Release: Sion slams his axe down, briefly Slowing and dealing between {{ mindamagetotal }} and {{ maxdamagetotal }} physical damage based on charge time. If Sion charged for at least 1 second, enemies are Knocked Up and Stunned for between {{ basestuntime }} and 2.25 seconds based on charge time.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Sion gains {{ hpperkill }} max Health when he kills a unit, or {{ hpperchampkill }} for champion takedowns, large minions and large monsters.Active: Sion gains {{ totalshield }} Shield for 6 seconds. After {{ e7 }} seconds if the shield still holds, Sion can Recast to detonate the shield to deal {{ totaldamage }} plus {{ e4 }}% max Health magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Sion fires a shockwave, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage, Slowing them by {{ slowamount }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds and removing {{ armorshred }}% Armor for {{ armorshredduration }} seconds. Non-champions hit are Knocked Back. Enemies hit by a Knocked Back unit take the same damage and effects.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Sion charges Unstoppably in a direction for 8 seconds, turning towards the mouse cursor. Sion stops on colliding with an enemy champion or wall or on Recasting this Ability. At the end of the charge, Sion deals between {{ mindamagetotal }} and {{ maxdamagetotal }} physical damage based on distance travelled. Enemies close to Sion are Stunned for between {{ minstunduration }} and {{ maxstunduration }} seconds based on distance travelled. Enemies in a larger area are Slowed by {{ slowamount }}% for 3 seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}