
the Demon Jester

Shaco is a Assassin champion in League of Legends

Shaco Abilities Patch 14.6.1



Shaco's Passive

Shaco's basic attacks and Two-Shiv Poison deal additional damage when striking from behind.


Shaco's Q

Shaco becomes Invisible and teleports to target location.His first attack while Invisible is empowered, dealing bonus damage and critically striking if he attacks from behind.

Shaco teleports and becomes Invisible for {{ stealthduration }} seconds. Using Jack In The Box or Hallucinate does not break Invisibility.Shaco's next Attack while Invisible deals an additional {{ totaldamage }} physical damage. If striking from behind, this Attack critically strikes for {{ qcritdamagemod }} damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Jack In The Box

Shaco's W

Shaco creates a hidden animated Jack-in-the-Box. When triggered, it will fear and attack nearby enemies.

Shaco creates a trap that stealths itself after {{ e5 }} seconds and lasts for {{ trapduration }} seconds. It activates when an enemy comes near or when revealed, Fearing nearby enemy Champions for {{ fearduration }} seconds, or {{ minionfearduration }} seconds for minions and jungle monsters.Once activated, the trap fires at all nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing {{ aoedamage }} magic damage, or {{ stdamage }} damage if focused on a single target.Jack in the Box's attacks deal an additional {{ monsterbonusdamage }} damage to monsters.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Two-Shiv Poison

Shaco's E

Shaco's Shivs passively poison targets on hit, slowing their Move Speed. He can throw his Shivs to deal damage and poison the target. The thrown Shiv deals bonus damage if the target is below 30% health.

Passive: While this Ability is off Cooldown, Shaco's Attacks Slow the target by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ slowdurationpassive }} seconds.Active: Shaco throws a shiv, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and Slowing by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ slowdurationactive }} seconds. If the target has less than {{ executehealththreshold*100 }}% Health, the shiv deals {{ totalexecutedamage }} damage instead.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Shaco's R

Shaco creates an illusion of himself near him, which can attack nearby enemies (Deals reduced damage to turrets). Upon death, it explodes, spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes and dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Shaco briefly disappears, then reappears with a clone that lasts {{ clonelifetime }} seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing {{ explosiontotaldamage }} magic damage and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes that trigger immediately. The clone deals {{ cloneaadamagepercent*100 }}% of Shaco's damage and receives {{ cloneincomingdamagepercent*100 }}% increased damage.Mini Jack in the Boxes deal {{ aoedamage }} magic damage, or {{ stdamage }} magic damage if firing at only one enemy, and Fear for {{ boxfearduration }} second.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}