
the Mechanized Menace

Rumble is a Fighter Mage champion in League of Legends

Rumble Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Junkyard Titan

Rumble's Passive

Every spell Rumble casts gives him Heat. When he reaches 50% Heat he reaches Danger Zone, granting all his basic abilities bonus effects. When he reaches 100% Heat, he starts Overheating, gaining bonus Attack Speed and granting his basic attacks bonus damage, but making him unable to cast spells for a few seconds.


Rumble's Q

Rumble torches opponents in front of him, dealing magic damage in a cone for 3 seconds. While in Danger Zone this damage is increased.

Rumble ignites his flamethrower, dealing {{ flatdamage }} plus {{ healthdamage*100 }}% max Health magic damage over {{ flamespitterduration }} seconds, reduced to {{ minionmod*100 }}% against minions.Danger Zone: Damage is increased to {{ empowereddamage }} plus {{ empoweredhealth }} max Health.Percent damage is limited to {{ monstercap }} damage on Monsters. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Scrap Shield

Rumble's W

Rumble pulls up a shield, protecting him from damage and granting him a quick burst of speed. While in Danger Zone, the shield strength and speed bonus is increased.

Rumble tosses up a barrier, gaining {{ totalshield }} Shield for {{ shieldduration.1 }} seconds and {{ movespeed*100 }}% Move Speed for {{ movespeedduration }} second.Danger Zone: The barrier grants {{ empoweredshield }} Shield and {{ empoweredms }} Move Speed instead.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Electro Harpoon

Rumble's E

Rumble launches a harpoon, electrocuting his target with magic damage, slowing their Move Speed, and reducing their Magic Resist. Rumble can carry 2 harpoons at a time. While in Danger Zone the damage and slow percentage is increased.

Rumble launches an electrified harpoon, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage, Slowing by {{ baseslowamount }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds, and reducing the enemy's Magic Resist by {{ percmagicpen*100 }}% for {{ shredduration }} seconds.Hitting an enemy who's already Slowed by this Ability increases the Slow to {{ empoweredslowamount }}% and reduces the enemy's Magic Resist by {{ enhancedmagicpen*100 }}%Danger Zone: The harpoon deals {{ empdamage }} magic damage instead and the Slow and reduced Magic Resist are increased by 50%.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

The Equalizer

Rumble's R

Rumble fires off a group of rockets, creating a wall of flames that damages and slows enemies.

Rumble launches a line of rockets, creating a burning trail that Slows by {{ slowamount }}% and deals {{ totaldamage }} magic damage over {{ trailduration }} seconds.Rumble can control the direction of the trail by clicking and dragging while casting this Ability.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}