Rengar's next 2 Attacks gain {{ e5 }}% Attack Speed. The first Attack critically strikes for {{ F4 }} (%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage.Max Ferocity: The first Attack critically strikes for {{ F5 }} (%i:scaleLevel%%i:scaleAD%%i:scaleCrit%) physical damage and grants Rengar {{ empoweredqas }} Attack Speed for {{ e3 }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Rengar roars, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage to nearby enemies and restoring {{ damagepercentagehealed }}% of the damage taken in the last {{ e3 }} seconds as Health.Max Ferocity: Deals {{ totaldamageempowered }} magic damage and additionally cleanses Rengar of crowd control.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Rengar throws a bola, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage to the first enemy hit, Revealing and Slowing them by {{ e2 }}% for {{ e3 }} seconds.Max Ferocity: Deals {{ totalempowereddamage }} physical damage and Roots for {{ e4 }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Rengar will also leap attack when Camouflaged.Active: Rengar gains {{ stealthms }}% Move Speed and True Sight in a small area around the nearest enemy champion for {{ stealthduration }} seconds.After {{ fadetime }} seconds, Rengar becomes Camouflaged and can leap without being in Brush. Leaping to the nearest champion deals an additional {{ bonusdamage }} physical damage, shreds {{ armorshred }} Armor for {{ armorshredduration }} seconds, and ends this Ability.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}