Rammus curls into a ball, gaining {{ minimummovespeed }} Move Speed, accelerating up to {{ maximummovespeed }} Move Speed over {{ e4 }} seconds. Rammus stops after colliding with an enemy, dealing {{ powerballdamage }} magic damage, Knocking Back, and Slowing nearby enemies by {{ e2 }}% for {{ e3 }} second.Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Rammus enters a defensive formation for {{ buffduration }} seconds, gaining {{ F1 }} Armor (%i:scaleArmor%) and {{ F2 }} Magic Resist (%i:scaleMR%). While active, Spiked Shell's damage is increased by {{ passivedamageampcalc }} and also damages enemies that Attack Rammus.Rammus's Attacks increase the duration by {{ bonusdurationperauto }} seconds (max: {{ maxbonusduration }}).Recast: Rammus ends this Ability early.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Rammus Taunts an enemy champion or jungle monster for {{ e1 }} seconds and gains {{ e2 }}% Attack Speed for {{ e1 }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Rammus hops into the air and slams down in an area, dealing {{ initialdamagecalc }} magic damage and Slowing by {{ slowamount*100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds. Enemies in the center take additional damage based on how far Rammus hopped (max: {{ tooltipmaxdamagecalc }} magic damage). If used during Powerball, enemies in the center are also Knocked Up for {{ knockupduration }} seconds.Rammus then creates {{ numberofpulses }} aftershocks in the area over {{ buffduration }} seconds, each dealing {{ pulsedamagecalc }} magic damage and stacking the Slow (max: {{ maxslow }}%).The range of this Ability is increased by Rammus's Move Speed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}