Poppy smashes the ground, dealing {{ basedamage }} plus {{ e5 }}% max Health physical damage and making the ground unstable. The unstable area Slows enemies by {{ e3 }}% and erupts after {{ e4 }} second, dealing {{ basedamage }} plus {{ e5 }}% max Health physical damage again.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Poppy gains {{ bonusarmor }} Armor and {{ bonusmr }} Magic Resist. This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below {{ passiveempoweredhealthpercent*100 }}% Health.Active: Poppy gains {{ e2 }}% Move Speed and projects a field around her for {{ e1 }} seconds that stops enemy dashes. Enemies who are stopped by the field are Grounded and Slowed by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ groundingduration }} seconds and take {{ interruptdamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing {{ tackledamage }} physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy tackles them into terrain, the enemy is Stunned for {{ e3 }} seconds and take an additional {{ tackledamage }} physical damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Begin Casting: Poppy begins charging her hammer for up to {{ channelmaxduration }} seconds, Slowing herself by {{ selfslow }}%.Release: Poppy smashes the ground, creating a shockwave that deals {{ damage }} physical damage to the first champion hit and surrounding enemies, Knocks them Back towards their Nexus, and makes them Untargetable while they fly. The range and Knock Back distance increase with charge duration.An uncharged swing deals {{ halfdamage }} physical damage and Knocks Up for {{ knockupdurationsnap }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}