
The Fire below the Mountain

Ornn is a Tank Fighter champion in League of Legends

Ornn Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Living Forge

Ornn's Passive

Ornn gains an additional bonus Armor and Magic Resist from all sources.Ornn can spend gold to forge non-consumable items anywhere.Additionally, he can create masterwork items for himself and for his allies.

Volcanic Rupture

Ornn's Q

Ornn slams the ground, sending out a fissure dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. After a small delay, a magma pillar forms at the end location.

Ornn slams the ground, creating a fissure dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and Slowing by {{ e5 }}% for {{ e6 }} seconds. A pillar of rock forms at the fissure's end for {{ e3 }} seconds. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Bellows Breath

Ornn's W

Ornn advances, breathing fire. Enemies hit by the final gout of flame become Brittle.

Ornn stomps forward Unstoppably while breathing fire, dealing {{ maxpercenthpperticktooltip }}% max Health magic damage over {{ breathduration }} seconds. Enemies hit by the final bout of flame become Brittle for {{ brittleduration }} seconds.Immobilizing effects on Brittle targets have their duration increased by 30% and deal an additional {{ brittlepercentmaxhpcalc }} max Health magic damage. Ornn's Attacks against Brittle targets Knock them Back, dealing the additional damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Searing Charge

Ornn's E

Ornn charges, dealing damage to enemies he passes through. If Ornn collides with terrain while charging, the impact creates a shockwave around him which deals damage and knocks up enemies.

Ornn charges, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage. If Ornn rams into terrain, he creates a shockwave that Knocks Up enemies for {{ knockupduration }} seconds and applies the same damage to those not hit by the charge.Ornn's charge destroys magma pillars and terrain created by enemies.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Call of the Forge God

Ornn's R

Ornn summons a massive elemental at a location which travels toward him with increasing speed. Enemies run over by the elemental take damage, are slowed and are made Brittle. Ornn can recast the ability to charge into the elemental, redirecting it in the direction he hits it, causing the elemental to affect any enemies it runs over to be knocked up, dealing the same damage and re-applying Brittle.

Ornn summons a massive lava elemental, which stampedes towards him, dealing {{ rdamagecalc }} magic damage, applying Brittle to, and Slowing enemies hit by {{ rslowpercentbasepremath }}% for {{ brittledurationtooltiponly }} seconds.Ornn can Recast to dash with a headbutt. If he dashes into the elemental, he redirects and empowers it, causing it to Knock Up the first champion for {{ rstunduration }} second and subsequent champions for {{ minstun }} seconds. The elemental also deals {{ rdamagecalc }} magic damage and reapplies Brittle.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}