
the Berserker

Olaf is a Fighter Tank champion in League of Legends

Olaf Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Berserker Rage

Olaf's Passive

Olaf gains Attack Speed and Life Steal based on his missing Health.


Olaf's Q

Olaf throws an axe into the ground at a target location, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and reducing their Armor and Move Speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reset.

Olaf throws an axe, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and Slowing by {{ slowamount*100 }}% for up to {{ e3 }} seconds (based on distance travelled). Champions hit lose {{ shredamount*100 }}% Armor for {{ debuffduration }} seconds.If Olaf picks up the axe, this Ability's Cooldown is reduced to {{ tooltipcdrefund }} seconds, or fully refunded if {{ tooltipcdrefund }} seconds has elapsed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Tough It Out

Olaf's W

Olaf's Attack Speed is increased and he gains a Shield.

Olaf gains {{ attackspeed*100 }}% Attack Speed for {{ duration }} seconds, and {{ baseshield }} plus {{ shieldpercmissinghp*100 }}% missing Health Shield (up to a maximum of {{ maxshieldcalc }} Shield below {{ thresholdformax*100 }}% Health) for {{ shieldduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Reckless Swing

Olaf's E

Olaf attacks with such force that it deals true damage to his target and himself, refunding the Health cost if he destroys the target.

Olaf ferociously swings his axes, dealing {{ totaldamage }} true damage. If the enemy dies, the cost is refunded.Attacks lower the Cooldown of this Ability by 1 second.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Olaf's R

Olaf passively gains increased armor and magic resist. He can activate this ability to become immune to disables for as long as he keeps attacking.

Passive: Olaf gains {{ resists }} Armor and {{ resists }} Magic Resist.Active: Olaf cleanses all Immobilizing and Disabling effects on himself and becomes immune to them for {{ duration }} seconds. While active, Olaf gains {{ ad }} Attack Damage. Hitting a champion with an Attack or Reckless Swing extends the duration by {{ durationextension }} seconds.Additionally, Olaf gains {{ haste*100 }}% Move Speed towards enemy champions for {{ hasteduration }} second.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}