Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, Nautilus drags himself and the target together, dealing {{ qdamagecalc }} magic damage and Stunning them briefly. If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself towards it.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Nautilus gains a {{ shieldcalc }} Shield for {{ shieldduration }} seconds. While the Shield persists, Nautilus' Attacks deal an additional {{ dotdamagecalc }} magic damage over 2 seconds to his target and all surrounding enemies.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Nautilus creates three exploding waves around himself, each dealing {{ damagecalc }} magic damage to enemies in the area and Slows them by {{ slowpercent*100 }}% decaying over {{ slowduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion, dealing {{ primarytargetdamage }} magic damage, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for {{ stunduration }} seconds. Other enemies hit by the shockwave are also Knocked Up and Stunned and take {{ secondarytargetdamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}