
the Fallen

Morgana is a Mage Support champion in League of Legends

Morgana Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Soul Siphon

Morgana's Passive

Morgana drains spirit from her enemies, healing as she deals damage to champions, large minions, and medium and larger jungler monsters.

Dark Binding

Morgana's Q

Morgana binds an enemy in place with dark magic, forcing them to feel the pain they've caused and dealing magic damage.

Morgana hurls a blast of starfire that Roots the first enemy hit for {{ rootduration }} seconds and deals {{ totaldamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Tormented Shadow

Morgana's W

Morgana casts a cursed shadow on an area, damaging enemies who dare stand in her dark circle. They receive magic damage over time, which increases the lower health they are.

Morgana ignites the ground for {{ wduration }} seconds, dealing {{ totalmindamage }} magic damage per second, increased by up to {{ missinghealthamppercent*100 }}% based on the targets' percentage missing health.This Ability's Cooldown is reduced by {{ cdrefundpercent*100 }}% every time Morgana is healed by Soul Siphon.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Black Shield

Morgana's E

Morgana anoints an ally with a protective barrier of starfire, which absorbs magical damage and disabling effects until it is broken.

Morgana grants an ally champion {{ totalshieldstrength }} Magic Shield for {{ shieldduration }} seconds. The shield prevents Disabling and Immobilizing effects until it breaks.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Soul Shackles

Morgana's R

Morgana unleashes the full force of her Celestial power as she unbinds her wings and hovers above the ground. She lashes chains of dark pain onto nearby enemy champions, gaining Move Speed towards them. The chains slow and deal initial damage and, after a delay, stun those who are unable to break them.

Morgana chains herself to nearby enemy Champions, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and Slowing them by {{ slowpercent }}%. After {{ chainduration }} seconds, enemies unable to break the chains take an additional {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and are Stunned for {{ stunduration }} seconds.While casting this Ability, Morgana gains {{ hastepercent }}% Move Speed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}