Mordekaiser smashes the ground with Nightfall dealing {{ qdamage }} magic damage, increased to {{ empowereddamagetooltip }} if it hits only a single enemy.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Mordekaiser stores {{ damageconversion*100 }}% of the damage he deals and {{ damagetakenconversion*100 }}% of the damage he takes.Active: Mordekaiser gains the stored damage as Shield. He may Recast this Ability to restore {{ healingpercent*100 }}% of the remaining Shield as Health.Minimum Shield: {{ minhealthtooltip }}Maximum Shield: {{ maxhealthtooltip }}{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Mordekaiser gains {{ magicpen*100 }}% Magic Penetration.Active: Mordekaiser pulls enemies in his direction, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Mordekaiser banishes a champion to the Death Realm with him for {{ spiritrealmduration }}s, stealing {{ statstealpercentscalar*100 }}% of their core stats for the duration.If Mordekaiser kills that enemy in the Death Realm he consumes their soul, keeping the stats he stole until the target respawns.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}