Maokai smashes his fist into the ground, dealing {{ totaldamage }} plus {{ basepercenthealth*100 }}% max Health magic damage and briefly Slowing. Nearby enemies are also Knocked Back.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Maokai transforms into a moving mass of roots, becoming Untargetable and dashing to an enemy. Upon arrival, he Roots the enemy for {{ e2 }} second(s) and deals {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Maokai flings a sapling, which stands watch for {{ saplingduration }} seconds. Saplings chase nearby enemies, detonating on arrival to deal {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and Slow surrounding enemies by {{ slowamount*100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds. Sap Magic's Cooldown is reduced by an additional 4 seconds if the sapling hits an enemy champion or epic monster.If placed in brush, Saplings instead last for {{ empoweredsaplingduration }} seconds and cause a larger explosion, dealing {{ totalempowereddamage }} magic damage over {{ empowereddotduration }} seconds and Slowing enemies by {{ empoweredslowamount }}.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Maokai summons a colossal wave of brambles and thorns, Rooting enemies for {{ minrootduration }} to {{ maxrootduration }} seconds, increasing with distance travelled, and dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. Hitting a champion gives Maokai {{ movehaste*100 }}% Move Speed, decaying over {{ hasteduration }} seconds. {{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}