
the Cantankerous Cavalier

Kled is a Fighter Tank champion in League of Legends

Kled Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard

Kled's Passive

Kled rides his trusty steed, Skaarl, who takes damage for him. When Skaarl's health depletes, Kled dismounts.While dismounted, Kled's abilities change and he deals less damage to champions. Kled can restore Skaarl's courage by fighting enemies. At maximum courage, Kled remounts with a portion of Skaarl's health.

Bear Trap on a Rope

Kled's Q

Kled throws a bear trap that damages and hooks an enemy champion. If shackled for a short duration, the target takes additional physical damage and is yanked toward Kled.When dismounted, this ability is replaced by Pocket Pistol, a ranged gun blast that knocks back Kled and restores courage.

Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for {{ e3 }} seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing {{ totalyankdamage }} physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds, and applying {{ grievousamount*100 }}% Grievous Wounds for {{ grievousduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Violent Tendencies

Kled's W

Kled gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.

Passive: Kled's next Attack grants {{ e2 }}% Attack Speed for four Attacks or {{ e6 }} seconds.The fourth hit deals an additional {{ e4 }} plus {{ percentdamage }} max Health physical damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Kled's E

Kled dashes, dealing physical damage and gaining a short burst of speed. Kled can cast this ability again to dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.

Kled dashes, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage to enemies he passes through, pulling minions and small monsters towards him.If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains {{ e5 }}% Move Speed for {{ e4 }} second and can Recast within {{ e6 }} seconds to dash back through the same target.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Kled's R

Kled and Skaarl charge to a location, leaving a speed-granting trail behind them and gaining a shield. Skaarl locks onto and rams the first enemy champion encountered.

Kled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to {{ maximumshield }} Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing {{ minimumdamagetooltip }} to {{ maximumchargedamage }} max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}