Mounted: Kled throws a bear trap that deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage and hooks onto the first enemy champion or large jungle monster hit.If Kled stays near a hooked enemy for {{ e3 }} seconds, he yanks out the trap, dealing {{ totalyankdamage }} physical damage, Pulling them, Slowing by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds, and applying {{ grievousamount*100 }}% Grievous Wounds for {{ grievousduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Kled's next Attack grants {{ e2 }}% Attack Speed for four Attacks or {{ e6 }} seconds.The fourth hit deals an additional {{ e4 }} plus {{ percentdamage }} max Health physical damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Kled dashes, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage to enemies he passes through, pulling minions and small monsters towards him.If this Ability hits an enemy champion or large jungle monster, Kled gains {{ e5 }}% Move Speed for {{ e4 }} second and can Recast within {{ e6 }} seconds to dash back through the same target.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Kled charges toward an area, leaving a trail that grants allies increasing Move Speed. While charging and for 2 seconds after Kled gains up to {{ maximumshield }} Shield. Skaarl rams the first enemy champion encountered, dealing {{ minimumdamagetooltip }} to {{ maximumchargedamage }} max Health physical damage (based on distance travelled) and briefly Knocking Back.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}