
the Heart of the Tempest

Kennen is a Mage Marksman champion in League of Legends

Kennen Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Mark of the Storm

Kennen's Passive

Kennen stuns enemies he hits 3 times with his abilities.

Thundering Shuriken

Kennen's Q

Kennen throws a fast moving shuriken towards a location, causing damage and adding a Mark of the Storm to any opponent that it hits.

Kennen throws a shuriken, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage to the first enemy hit.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Electrical Surge

Kennen's W

Kennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked.

Passive: Every 5th Attack deals an additional {{ totaldamagepassive }} magic damage.Active: Kennen sends out a blast of electricity, dealing {{ totaldamageactive }} magic damage to nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Lightning Rush

Kennen's E

Kennen morphs into a lightning form, enabling him to pass through units and apply a Mark of the Storm. Kennen gains Move Speed when entering this form, and attack speed when leaving it.

Kennen turns into a ball of lightning, gaining {{ movement speed*100 }}% Move Speed, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage to enemies he passes through, and becoming Ghosted for {{ duration - as ball }} seconds. If Kennen damages at least one enemy, he gains {{ energy refund }} Energy. After this ability ends, Kennen gains {{ attack speed*100 }}% Attack Speed for {{ duration - after ball }} seconds. Kennen can Recast to end this Ability early.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Slicing Maelstrom

Kennen's R

Kennen summons a storm that strikes at nearby enemy champions for magical damage.

Kennen unleashes a magical storm, dealing {{ pertickdamagecalculated }} magic damage to all nearby enemies every {{ kennenrtickrate }} seconds, and gaining {{ kennenrdefenses }} Armor and {{ kennenrdefenses }} Magic Resist for {{ kennenrduration }} seconds. Successive hits deal {{ damageamp*100 }}% increased damage for each hit the enemy has already suffered.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}