Mercury Hammer: Jayce leaps to an enemy, dealing {{ spell.jaycetotheskies:damage }} physical damage to surrounding enemies and Slowing them by {{ spell.jaycetotheskies:slow*-100 }}% for {{ spell.jaycetotheskies:slowduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Mercury Hammer - Passive: Jayce's Hammer Attacks grant {{ spell.jaycestaticfield:managain }} Mana.Mercury Hammer - Active: Jayce creates an electric aura dealing {{ spell.jaycestaticfield:damage }} magic damage over {{ spell.jaycestaticfield:duration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Hammer Form: Jayce swings his hammer, Knocking Back his target and dealing {{ spell.jaycethunderingblow:flatdamage }} plus {{ spell.jaycethunderingblow:perchpdamage*100 }}% max Health magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Mercury Hammer: Jayce transforms his weapon into the Mercury Cannon, gaining Attack Range and new Abilities. Jayce's next Attack removes {{ spell.jaycestancehtg:rangedformshred }} Armor and Magic Resist for {{ spell.jaycestancehtg:shredduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}