
Grandmaster at Arms

Jax is a Fighter Assassin champion in League of Legends

Jax Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Relentless Assault

Jax's Passive

Jax's consecutive basic attacks continuously increase his Attack Speed.

Leap Strike

Jax's Q

Jax leaps toward a unit. If they are an enemy, he strikes them with his weapon.

Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage if it is an enemy.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Jax's W

Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal additional damage.

Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional {{ totaldamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Counter Strike

Jax's E

Jax's combat prowess allows him to dodge all incoming attacks for a short duration and then quickly counterattack, stunning all surrounding enemies.

Jax enters a defensive stance for up to {{ dodgeduration }} seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking {{ aoedamagereduction }}% less damage from area of effect Abilities. After {{ dodgeduration }} seconds or Recasting, Jax deals {{ totaldamage }} + {{ percenthealthdamage }}% max Health magic damage and Stuns nearby enemies for {{ stunduration }} second. The damage is increased by {{ percentincreasedperdodge*100 }}% per Attack dodged, up to a maximum of {{ maxdamage }} + {{ maxpercenthealthdamage }}% max Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Jax's R

Every third consecutive attack deals additional Magic Damage. Additionally, Jax can activate this ability to deal damage around himself and strengthen his resolve, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist for a short duration.

Passive: Every third Attack within {{ passivefallofftime }} seconds deals an additional {{ onhitdamage }} magic damage.Active: Jax slams his lantern down, dealing {{ swingdamagetotal }} magic damage to nearby enemies. If he hits a champion he gains {{ basearmor }} Armor and {{ basemr }} Magic Resist plus {{ bonusarmor }} Armor and {{ bonusmr }} Magic Resist per additional champion hit for {{ duration }} seconds. During this time every second Attack deals additional magic damage instead of every third.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}