Jax leaps to a friendly or enemy unit or ward, dealing {{ totaldamage }} physical damage if it is an enemy.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next Attack or Leap Strike to deal an additional {{ totaldamage }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Jax enters a defensive stance for up to {{ dodgeduration }} seconds, dodging incoming Attacks and taking {{ aoedamagereduction }}% less damage from area of effect Abilities. After {{ dodgeduration }} seconds or Recasting, Jax deals {{ totaldamage }} + {{ percenthealthdamage }}% max Health magic damage and Stuns nearby enemies for {{ stunduration }} second. The damage is increased by {{ percentincreasedperdodge*100 }}% per Attack dodged, up to a maximum of {{ maxdamage }} + {{ maxpercenthealthdamage }}% max Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Every third Attack within {{ passivefallofftime }} seconds deals an additional {{ onhitdamage }} magic damage.Active: Jax slams his lantern down, dealing {{ swingdamagetotal }} magic damage to nearby enemies. If he hits a champion he gains {{ basearmor }} Armor and {{ basemr }} Magic Resist plus {{ bonusarmor }} Armor and {{ bonusmr }} Magic Resist per additional champion hit for {{ duration }} seconds. During this time every second Attack deals additional magic damage instead of every third.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}