
the Blade Dancer

Irelia is a Fighter Assassin champion in League of Legends

Irelia Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Ionian Fervor

Irelia's Passive

When Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains stacking bonus Attack Speed. At maximum stacks she also gains bonus damage on hit.


Irelia's Q

Irelia dashes forward to strike her target, healing herself. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes.

Irelia dashes to an enemy, dealing {{ championdamage }} physical damage and restoring {{ healamount }} Health to herself. If the enemy dies or was Unsteady, the Cooldown is refreshed.Deals {{ miniondamage }} damage to minions.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Defiant Dance

Irelia's W

Irelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced physical damage during the charge.

Begin Charging: Irelia enters a defensive stance for up to {{ maxduration }} seconds, becoming unable to act but reducing physical damage taken by {{ finalphysicaldr }}% and magic damage taken by {{ finalmagicdr }}%.Release: Irelia lashes out with her blades, dealing {{ mindamagecalc }} physical damage increased up to {{ maxdamagecalc }} based on charge time.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Flawless Duet

Irelia's E

Irelia sends out two blades which converge on each other. Enemies caught in between are damaged, stunned and Marked.

Irelia throws a blade into the ground and can Recast for up to {{ buffduration }} seconds. Recast: Irelia throws a second blade, then they fly towards each other Stunning for {{ stunduration }} seconds and dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters become Unsteady for {{ markduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Vanguard's Edge

Irelia's R

Irelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage and slow enemies that walk through it.

Irelia launches a barrage of blades, dealing {{ missiledamage }} magic damage and making champions and large jungle monsters Unsteady for {{ markduration }} seconds. The barrage explodes into a cage around the first champion hit for {{ zoneduration }} seconds. The cage deals {{ zonedamage }} magic damage and Slows by {{ slowamount }}% for {{ ccduration }} seconds.Bladesurge's base Cooldown is reduced by {{ cooldownamount }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}