
the Saltwater Scourge

Gangplank is a Fighter champion in League of Legends

Gangplank Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Trial by Fire

Gangplank's Passive

Every few seconds, Gangplank's melee strike will set his opponent on fire.


Gangplank's Q

Shoots target, plundering Gold for each enemy unit killed.

{{Spell_GangplankQWrapper_Tooltip_{{ gamemodeinteger }}}}{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Remove Scurvy

Gangplank's W

Eats citrus to cure crowd control effects and restore Health.

Gangplank consumes a large amount of citrus fruit, removing all Disabling effects and restoring {{ basehealth }} plus {{ e2 }}% missing Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Powder Keg

Gangplank's E

Gangplank uncovers a powder keg at target location. If he attacks it, it explodes, spreading the attack's damage to enemies in the area, slowing them.

Gangplank places a powder keg that can be attacked by Gangplank and enemy champions for {{ e5 }} seconds. When an enemy destroys it, the keg is defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes, Slowing by {{ finalslowamount }}% for {{ e2 }} seconds and dealing the Attack's damage, ignoring {{ e0 }}% Armor. Champions take an additional {{ e3 }} physical damage.Keg health decays every {{ f5 }} seconds. Keg explosions detonate other kegs with overlapping blast zones, but don't deal damage to the same target more than once. Keg explosions triggered by Parrrley will grant the bonus gold for targets killed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Cannon Barrage

Gangplank's R

Gangplank signals his ship to bombard an area, slowing and damaging enemies.

Gangplank signals his ship to fire {{ totalwavestooltip }} waves of cannonballs anywhere on the map over {{ zoneduration }} seconds. Each wave Slows by {{ slowpercent }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds and deals {{ onewavedamage }} magic damage. Maximum damage: {{ totaldamagetooltip }}This Ability can be upgraded in the shop via Parrrley.Fire at Will: Fires 6 additional waves of cannonballs.Death's Daughter: Fires a Mega-Cannonball that deals {{ deathsdaughterdamage }} true damage and Slows by {{ deathsdaughterslow }}% for {{ deathsdaughterslowduration }} second.Raise Morale: Allies inside Cannon Barrage gain {{ raisemoralehaste }}% Move Speed for {{ raisemoralehasteduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}