
the Ancient Fear

Fiddlesticks is a Mage Support champion in League of Legends

Fiddlesticks Abilities Patch 14.6.1


A Harmless Scarecrow

Fiddlesticks's Passive

Fiddlesticks' trinket is replaced by scarecrow effigies.


Fiddlesticks's Q

Fiddlesticks damaging enemies with spells while unseen or targeting an enemy with Terrify's activation strikes a target unit with fear, causing it to flee in terror for a duration.

Passive: While unseen and out of combat or impersonating an Effigy, damaging an enemy with an ability Fears them for {{ fearduration }} second(s).Active: Fear an enemy for {{ fearduration }} second(s) and deal {{ totalpercenthealthdamage }} current Health magic damage. If the target has recently been Feared by Fiddlesticks, instead deal {{ totalpercenthealthdamagefeared }} current Health magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Bountiful Harvest

Fiddlesticks's W

Fiddlesticks drains health from nearby enemies, dealing bonus execute damage at the end of the duration.

Fiddlesticks channels and drains the souls of nearby enemies, dealing {{ draindamagecalc }} magic damage per second for 2 seconds, plus {{ percentfortooltip }}% missing Health magic damage at the end. Fiddlesticks restores {{ vamppercentage }}% of damage as Health.If Fiddlesticks ends the channel without interruption, the remaining Cooldown is reduced by 60%.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Fiddlesticks's E

Fiddlesticks slashes an area with its scythe, slowing all enemies hit and silencing enemies hit in the center of the slash.

Fiddlesticks unleashes dark magic, dealing {{ damage }} magic damage and Slowing by {{ slowamount*-100 }}% for {{ silenceduration }} seconds. Enemies in the center are also Silenced for the duration.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Fiddlesticks's R

A murder of crows flock wildly around Fiddlesticks, dealing damage per second to all enemy units in the area.

Fiddlesticks channels for {{ channeltime }} seconds, then teleports and unleashes a murder of crows, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage over {{ duration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}