Evelynn strikes with her Lasher, dealing {{ missiledamagetooltip }} magic damage to the first enemy hit and causing Evelynn's next 3 Attacks or Abilities on that unit to deal an additional {{ totalbonusdamagetooltip }} magic damage. Evelynn can Recast this Ability up to 3 times.Recast: Evelynn fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing {{ missiledamagetooltip }} magic damage to all enemies hit.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Evelynn marks a champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with an Attack or Ability, she will expunge the mark, refund its cost, and Slow the target by {{ slowamount*100 }}% for {{ slowduration }} seconds.If the mark lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it has extra effects:Against champions: Charms them for {{ charmduration }} second(s) and removes {{ mrshred*100 }}% Magic Resist for {{ shredduration }} seconds.Against monsters: Charms them for {{ monstercharm }} seconds and deals {{ monsterdamagetotaltooltip }} magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Evelynn whips an enemy, dealing {{ basedamage }} plus {{ percenthealthbasetooltip }} max Health magic damage. Evelynn gains {{ speedamount*100 }}% Move Speed for {{ speedduration }} seconds.Entering Demon Shade refreshes this Ability's cooldown and empowers it. When this Ability is empowered, Evelynn dashes to the target and deals {{ empowereddamage }} plus {{ percenthealthempoweredtooltip }} max Health magic damage to her target and everyone she passes through instead.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, dealing heavy damage, becoming Untargetable and teleporting backwards. She deals {{ damage }} magic damage, increased to {{ critdamage }} against enemies below 30% Health. Upon cast, set Demon Shade to a 1.25 second cooldown.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}