Diana unleashes an arc of lunar energy, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage and marking with Moonlight for {{ moonlightduration }} seconds. Moonlight reveals enemies that are not stealthed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Diana creates three orbiting spheres for {{ shieldduration }} seconds that explode on contact, each dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage, up to a max of {{ totalmaxdamage }} damage.Diana also gains {{ shieldvalue }} Shield for the same duration. When the last sphere detonates, she gains an additional {{ shieldvalue }} Shield and refreshes the duration.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Diana becomes as the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage. If the target is afflicted with Moonlight, this Ability's Cooldown is refreshed.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Diana Pulls In, Slows by {{ slowtooltip }}%, and reveals nearby enemies for {{ slowduration }} seconds.If Diana hits at least one enemy champion, she calls to the moon, dealing {{ rexplosiondamage }} magic damage plus {{ rmultihitamplification }} for each champion pulled beyond the first, up to a max of an additional {{ maxdamage }} damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}