Darius hefts his axe then swings it around, dealing {{ bladedamage }} physical damage with the edge and {{ handledamage }} damage with the handle. Enemies hit with the handle do not take a Hemorrhage stack.Darius restores {{ e5 }}% missing Health per enemy champion and large jungle monster hit with the edge, up to a max of {{ e7 }}%.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Darius' next Attack deals {{ empoweredattackdamage }} physical damage and Slows by {{ e2 }}% for {{ e5 }} second.This Ability refunds its Mana cost and reduces its Cooldown by {{ e3 }}% if it kills the target.This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Passive: Darius gains {{ e1 }}% Armor Penetration.Active: Darius hooks with his axe, Pulling, and Knocking Up and Slowing by {{ e2 }}% for {{ e3 }} second.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Darius leaps to an enemy and strikes a lethal blow, dealing {{ damage }} true damage. For each Hemorrhage on the target, this Ability deals an additional {{ rdamagepercentperhemostack*100 }}% damage, up to a max of {{ maximumdamage }} damage.If this kills the target, Darius may Recast this Ability once within {{ rrecastduration }} seconds. At rank 3, this Ability has no Mana cost and kills refresh the Cooldown completely.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}