
the Steel Shadow

Camille is a Fighter Tank champion in League of Legends

Camille Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Adaptive Defenses

Camille's Passive

Basic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille's maximum health against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for a brief duration.

Precision Protocol

Camille's Q

Camille's next attack deals bonus damage and grants bonus Move Speed. This spell can be recast for a short period of time, doing significantly increased bonus damage if Camille delays a period of time between the two attacks.

Camille's next Attack deals an additional {{ bonusdamage }} physical damage and grants her {{ msbonus*100 }}% Move Speed for {{ msduration }} second. This ability can be Recast in the next {{ qtotalrecasttime }} seconds.If the Recast Attack hits at least {{ qrampuptime }} seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to {{ empoweredbonusdamage }} and {{ damageconversionpercentage }} of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Tactical Sweep

Camille's W

Camille blasts in a cone after a delay, dealing damage. Enemies in the outer half are slowed and take extra damage, while also healing Camille.

Camille winds up and slices, dealing {{ basedamagetotal }} physical damage.Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by {{ slowpercentage }}% decaying over {{ slowduration }} seconds, and they take an additional {{ outeredgetooltip }} max Health physical damage. Camille restores {{ outerconehealingratio }}% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}


Camille's E

Camille pulls herself to a wall, leaping off and knocking up enemy champions upon landing.

Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for {{ knockupduration }} seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant {{ asbuff*100 }}% Attack Speed for {{ asduration }} seconds on impact.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

The Hextech Ultimatum

Camille's R

Camille dashes to target champion, anchoring them to the area. She also deals bonus magic damage to the target with her basic attacks.

Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for {{ rduration }} seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional {{ ronhitdamage }} plus {{ rpercentcurrenthpdamage }}% current Health magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}