Camille's next Attack deals an additional {{ bonusdamage }} physical damage and grants her {{ msbonus*100 }}% Move Speed for {{ msduration }} second. This ability can be Recast in the next {{ qtotalrecasttime }} seconds.If the Recast Attack hits at least {{ qrampuptime }} seconds after the first, the bonus damage is increased to {{ empoweredbonusdamage }} and {{ damageconversionpercentage }} of the Attack's damage is converted into true damage.This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Camille winds up and slices, dealing {{ basedamagetotal }} physical damage.Enemies hit by the outer half are Slowed by {{ slowpercentage }}% decaying over {{ slowduration }} seconds, and they take an additional {{ outeredgetooltip }} max Health physical damage. Camille restores {{ outerconehealingratio }}% of the bonus damage dealt to champions as Health.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Camille fires a hookshot that attaches to terrain, pulling her to it for 1 second and allowing this Ability to be Recast.Recast: Camille dashes from the wall, colliding with the first enemy champion hit. Upon landing, she deals {{ totaldamage }} physical damage to nearby enemies and Stuns enemy champions for {{ knockupduration }} seconds. Dashes towards enemy champions travel twice as far and grant {{ asbuff*100 }}% Attack Speed for {{ asduration }} seconds on impact.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}
Camille briefly becomes Untargetable and leaps onto an enemy champion, interrupting channels and locking them into an area they cannot escape by any means for {{ rduration }} seconds. Other nearby enemies are Knocked Away. Her Attacks against the trapped enemy deal an additional {{ ronhitdamage }} plus {{ rpercentcurrenthpdamage }}% current Health magic damage.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}