
the Wandering Caretaker

Bard is a Support Mage champion in League of Legends

Bard Abilities Patch 14.6.1


Traveler's Call

Bard's Passive

Meeps: Bard attracts lesser spirits that assist with his basic attacks to deal extra magic damage. When Bard has collected enough Chimes, his meeps will also deal damage in an area and slow enemies hit.Chimes: Ancient chimes randomly appear for Bard to collect. These grant experience, restore mana, and provide out of combat Move Speed.

Cosmic Binding

Bard's Q

Bard fires a missile which will slow the first enemy struck, and continue onward. If it strikes a wall, it will stun the initial target; if it strikes another enemy, it will stun them both.

Bard fires an energy bolt, dealing {{ totaldamage }} magic damage to the first two enemies hit. The first target hit is Slowed by {{ slowamountpercentage }}% for {{ slowduration }}s.If the bolt hits a second enemy or a wall, any enemies hit are Stunned for {{ stunduration }}s.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Caretaker's Shrine

Bard's W

Reveals a Health shrine which powers up over a short time, disappearing after healing and speeding up the first ally that touches it.

Bard creates a Health shrine that grants {{ calc_movespeed }} Move Speed decaying over {{ movespeed_duration }} seconds and restores at least {{ initialheal }} Health to the first ally to enter. The shrine grows to restore {{ maxheal }} Health after existing for {{ e8 }} seconds.Bard can have up to {{ e3 }} shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed.This ability has {{ ammo_limit }} charges.Current Active Shrines: {{ f1 }} / {{ f2 }}{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Magical Journey

Bard's E

Bard opens a portal in nearby terrain. Allies and enemies alike can take a one-way trip through that terrain by moving into the portal.

Bard opens a one-way portal through Terrain for {{ e1 }} seconds. Any champion can enter the portal by moving onto it while near the entrance.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}

Tempered Fate

Bard's R

Bard sends spirit energy arcing to a location, putting all champions, minions, monsters, and turrets hit into stasis for a brief time.

Bard hurls magical protective energy to an area, placing all units and structures hit into Stasis for {{ rstasisduration }} seconds.{{ spellmodifierdescriptionappend }}